Pay your entry fee for Ultimate GM Novus I - $100 32-Team IDP Dynasty Lea

Welcome to Versus Fantasy Football! You are about to join the Ultimate GM Novus I - $100 32-Team IDP Dynasty Lea. Please review the league settings on this page carefully and confirm your eligibility for the contest. In the next step, you'll be asked to make a payment, which will reserve your spot in the league.

After paying your entry fee, Versus Fantasy Football will send you a welcome email with further instructions. Good luck!


NFL 2017

Prize Pool

Your league will pay out $2,850.00

Entry Fee

Your league entry fee is $100.00

Draft Date and Rules

Your league will draft when league fills

New or Existing: Existing Rosters: Ultimate GM IDP Lineup Scoring: Ultimate GM Balanced PPR


Contest League

Your league's prize pool is secured by LeagueSafe. At the end of the season, Versus Fantasy Football is solely responsible for allocating payouts to league winners in accordance with the rules of the contest you entered. LeagueSafe has no role in determining who the winners are. Payouts will be released into individual winners' LeagueSafe accounts within two business days of submission by Versus Fantasy Football.
Deadline Passed: Late payments not available
Contact your league commissioner about allowing payments