$75 Beat the Streak Pool
Long running MLB.com Beat the Streak Pool. Pick 1 or 2 hitters each day to get a hit. Longest hit streak wins. 160 entries last year.
League Settings & Rules
You are about to join $75 Beat the Streak Pool . Please review the league settings carefully. By continuing to make a payment into this league you are agreeing to all settings displayed by your commissioner. In the next step you will be required to make your payment to complete the process of joining this league.
If you do not agree with all of the league settings displayed, please contact Ryan Walsh. He or she is the one who likely invited you to this league.
MLB 2023
MLB 2023 has a payment deadline of 3/31/2023 and can payout funds on 9/5/2023.
Your commissioner is Ryan Walsh
Ryan Walsh has been with LeagueSafe since 3/4/2018 and has collected dues for 19 leagues.
View Commissioner's ProfileENTRY FREE
Entry fee for this league is $75.00
Friday, March 31, 2023
No reimbursement allowed
Not activated, no funds can be withdrawn by the commissioner for league management fees.Payment Settings
Payments can be made with Credit/Debit Card or E-check
A processing fee applies to all payment options.PAYOUTS
Commissioner has defined payouts:
Last year was $8,000 to 1st, $3,000 to 2nd, $1,000 to 3rd